Safety Tips for operating Man Lift Equipment
You need to avoid safety problems by hiring and then evaluating people to make sure they can handle the man lift equipment.
Everyone who operates Man Lift Equipment needs to make their top priority safety. Every employer should always put his or her staff through mandatory safety training before allowing anyone to operate the equipment. Employers should also consider follow-up training as many employees fail to remember all safety precautions. As people progress and become more comfortable with their jobs, they tend to forget detail that could potentially save their lives.
Here are some great forklift safety tips to follow when operating man lift equipment.
1. Inspection of Machinery
Always walk around the man lift equipment to access if it is safe. Are there any mechanical issues that need to be serviced? Inspectors should always be careful to check all the emergency controls, operating controls, the outriggers and guardrails, wheels, tires, and personal fall-protection gear. Also, while doing a visible inspection of these areas, you should consider checking for possible leaks of air, fuel, and hydraulic fluid. If you do find something that needs to be fixed, always hire a professional mechanic, as maintenance is very important.
2. Inspect the worksite
No matter what the job is, you need to confirm that you can operate a lift on the worksite by walking around the entire site. If you notice concerning things like an unleveled surface, you need to be aware of this. Can you still drive safely on uneven ground? The lift may have problems working well on certain slopes. Always look for bumps, debris, drop-offs, holes and power lines that could pose a potential problem.

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