Do I really need a license to drive a forklift?
A Forklift license !?..There are different categories such as advanced, specialist, refresher or basic.
Business owners and operators often asking this seemingly innocent question, but the answer if defiantly YES! In addition to having a license, you will also need to be certified to use a forklift as well as authorization from your employer to operate the machine. All of this is required by small and larger businesses.

Forklift Operator’s Certificate - what is it?
A forklift operator’s certificate, earned by every forklift operator, specifies the training that the operator received. There are different categories such as advanced, specialist, refresher or basic. It also indicates the specific type of forklift the operator is licensed to use such as a reach truck or pallet truck and others.
Each and every forklift operator is retrained every three years.

Why is it necessary to have a valid forklift license?
Having the essential documents to operate heavy equipment is imperative in any business. Forklifts are sometimes used in busy or public areas such as residential or business districts. If the driver is not properly licensed, this can increase safety concerns and liability issues. In the case of an accident involving a forklift, the operator must be licensed so an insurance claim can be submitted. If the operator is not licensed, the insurance company will likely reject the claim.
All employees are encouraged to be trained in forklift operation, general equipment management and safety procedures. Most warehouse and factory owners are generally very safety conscious, which is why they require every employee to go through mandatory training to obtain the necessary certification and licenses.
Licenses are issued to employees 18 years or older. The licensing process includes driving lessons, filling in the required paper work as well as a “hands on” road test. Employers will usually assist workers to obtain any applicable licenses for work.
I have been told by a trainer that I will receive a RITB/NORS card.Is this an adequate qualification?